Sometimes I have my doubts, I must admit. What is it all for? Why do I care about marriage?
As I'm sure divorcing parents have their doubts about why they're still fighting for custody of the kids. Mixed in with the love there must be some ambivalence. The question must arise: Aren't we just doing this to hurt each other? Aren't we just doing this to avoid being hurt?
Aren't they just doing this because they're homophobes? Aren't we just doing this because we can't let them get away with injustice?
Is there a way to step back and say Maybe this isn't worth the fighting. Maybe there's another way to work this out without tugging back and forth and back and forth? What would it look like to peacefully go our separate ways? Is it even possible when there's children and romantic love in the mix for there to be peace?
These are not rhetorical questions.
Photo: DSC00024 by JasonJT
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